Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Big Brother 8: The House Gets Trashed (7/10/07)

It’s Day 5 in the Big Brother house & eviction nominations have just been handed to Amber & Carol. Kail, the Head of Household, nominated the two for performing poorly in the HOH competition. Amber is upset because she & Kail are both mothers & felt they should look out for each other. She also feels that God put her on the block to teach her something. Carol feels guilty campaigning against Amber … but does it anyway.

Different strategies start to creep up throughout the house. Dick uses his sensitive parental side to bond with Kail while Nick uses his body & “inviting smile” (as he puts it) to romance the ladies of the Big Brother house. Jen tells the housemates that Nick tried to make out with her, which is apparently a big lie. Joe stirs the pot & causes a big fight between the two. I smell a plot to get rid of Jen ASAP.

It’s time for the Power of Veto competition. The HOH, two nominees, and three random housemates will compete for immunity. Danielle, Nick, and Jameka are also selected to participate. If a houseguest wins Power of Veto, they have the opportunity to change the nominations or keep them as they are. The houseguests competing are each given a veto to hide throughout the house. The object of the game is to have your veto found last. Once your veto is found, you are out of the game.

While the players ransack the house, the remaining houseguests have to sit in the HOH room & tensions run high quickly between Jen & Dick. The house is completely trashed but someone did the best job hiding their veto. Daniele’s veto (hidden in the slop) was the hardest to find & she wins Power of Veto in the Big Brother house. Amber jumps on Daniele right away, trying to get Daniele to save her & put up Jen instead.

America’s Player, Eric, has been given his first assignment. He must make up a traumatic story from his past and tell it to Kail. Eric, the new actor of the house, threw some Visine in his eyes and ran to the HOH room to share his sob story. I have to say: the story was a little lame. He said his high school girlfriend, who reminded him of Daniele, had a serious eating disorder and broke up with him. Ummmm … no death? Disease? Is it just me? Eric, you gotta get a little dirty here, buddy.

The boys continue Amber’s mission to get Jen out of the house by getting in Daniele’s ear about it. However, Daniele stays strong and keeps the nominations the same. Who will be the first houseguest evicted? Which nominee do you want Eric to vote out? Check out for all the details on how you can play a part in the game!

Big Brother is back Thursday night at 8pm EST on CBS

Get your Big Brother links at

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