Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Reality Check With ... Jaslene (CW's "Top Model" WINNER)

On last night's cycle 8 finale of America's Next Top Model, Jaslene Gonzales was named the winner. She prevailed after not making it past the semi-finals in cycle 7. She consistently took strong photos as well as brought her big personality & passion to everything she did. Jaslene is the first Latina winner of America's Next Top Model. She takes time out of her busy schedule to sound off on everything from why she came back to her favorite photo.

On what it means to be the first Latina Top Model winner…
That means the world to me. Since the show started, I was sitting on the couch with my mom saying, “Mom, I wanna be on that show so bad! I wanna be the first Latina! I wanna be the first Latina!” My Latin community is ecstatic! They are going crazy, very supportive, everybody’s happy for me.

On her favorite model…
I admire Gisele, she’s been an idol of me. I wanna be a Puerto Rican version of her!

On why she came back for cycle 8…
I wanted to go back & they had called me back. It was a mix of both – them wanting me back & me wanting to go back.

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On Renee not being picked for final 2…

Hey, better for me! It was just one more girl to fight & that was easy.

On he favorite photo…
The weirdo – I loved that one!

On who she felt was her biggest competition…
I felt like Brittany was, she takes amazing photos.

On her biggest struggle in the competition…

I would say the acting, that was challenging for me. I’m horrible at that.

On who she’ll stay in touch with…
I talk to everyone. Renee & Dionne call often, Natasha texts all the time. I had a special relationship & kept it cool with all of them.

On what you need for the perfect runway walk…
Posture. Keep your chin up & you’ll have a great walk!

* photo courtesy of the CW network

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted Renee to win, but Jaslene did take some really good pictures. I'm sure a lot of them will get work anyways!
