Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Reality Check With ... Kail Harbick (CBS's "Big Brother 8")

RC: Are you a fan of previous Big Brother seasons?
Kail: I watched BB since season 1 & have not missed a season since. I had a fascination since & kept watching it every year. I said, "I think I can do that. I would like to try that." I started to apply in season 5 and finally made it in season 8.

RC: Who are your favorite players of all time?
Kail: Lisa is one of my favorites and Jason.

RC: Did you feel that revealing that you are a business owner would hurt you in the game?
Kail: Yes, I did think there would be a lot of judgement being a multi-business owner. Evel already felt like I was a strong player, I don't know why. I didn't wanna field all the questions & talk about it all the time. I didn't wanna go there. If I was blessed to make it to final 2, I didn't want that held against me.

RC: Any opinion on Jen turning down half her winnings? She did say that she wasn't here for the money.
Kail: I think they think that she's quirky enough that they probably believe her. She is there just for the experience. It's not beyond her by any means.

RC: Your husband said you weren't yourself in the game. Was it hard to hide some of who you are for so long?
Kail: For the most part, I was myself. Maybe what he's talking about was that I didn't laugh as smile as much as I really do. That was for a couple reasons: I was homesick & I was on the block. And I was walking around eggshells around Evel.

RC: Do you feel someone like Evel Dick should be allowed to play the game the way he is?
Kail: He definitely robbed me from my experiene of having an enoyable time. I felt that he twisted all my words and basically, ruined me.

RC: What happened between Amber's outburst at Eric at the vote that turned things around and kept him in the house?
Kail: I don't know what happened, I would like to know what happened. I don't know what the thought was behind that. Dustin told me clear up to the live show that I had his vote. So, he lied.

RC: Do you think the housemates used your early alliance as a reason to get rid of you?
Kail: Yes, I do. That's correct. They all had alliances, they just called them their best friends.

RC: What was the hardest part of being in the BB8 house?
Kail: Eating slop and I was surprised by how homesick I really was. I don't know if that's because I had Evel always on me but that surprised me. I was always mad at myself, saying to myself to get over it. I am still thankful that I got to experience it.

RC: What's it been like since being out of the house?
Kail: They take you to a motel and you're still secluded and not in the world. I kind of feel like I'm still in the house so I haven't felt like I've left yet.

RC: Anxious to get home?
Kail: I'm kind of getting word back to me that there will be a lot of people at the airport and I'm looking forward to that. Being in the house, I don't know my days or times and haven't been on schedule. I think I'm gonna live life like that for a while.

A new episode of Big Brother airs tonight on CBS

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